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Good Advice Podcast

Simple Talk
Complicated Situations

Real discussions with real people with terrible language (sometimes).
Life hacks, best business practices, and relationship guidance to help keep your goals in focus so you can live your best life!

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Prescott Woman Magazine

Prescott Woman Magazine (PWM) was established in 2004 as a community-based publication honoring women in the Prescott, Prescott Valley, Chino Valley, and Dewey areas (also known as the Quad-cities).  We are fully owned and operated locally and the team at PWM can often be found supporting community events, serving on non-profit boards, volunteering, and supporting local businesses.

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Empowering Women - Got a Minute?

Prescott Woman Magazine's Podcast
Empowering Women – Got a Minute? celebrates the women leaders within our community. Join our hosts as we introduce you to women that are making a difference in business, health, education, non-profits, and more. ­If you are interested in learning about dynamic women that are working to create a balanced community, this is the podcast for you. From the creators of Prescott Woman Magazine – a bi-monthly publication celebrating women.

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Café y Artes Marciales

En esta ocasión en Café y Artes Marciales contamos con la distinguida presencia de la Hija del Grand Master Larry Tatum y la Master Jill Tatum. BRIT FLORES quien es una experta en auto cuidado y columnista para "The Daily Courier", Especialista en Branding y Media Digital, Artista en Mixed Media, Yogi y Kenpoista. Que lo disfrutes!!!


This time in Coffee & Martial Arts we have as a special guest the daughter of Grand Master Larry Tatum and Master Jill Tatum. BRIT FLORES who is a Self Care Columist for The Daily Courier, DigitalMEdia Branding Specialist, MixedMEdia Artist, Yogi and Kenpo 3rd Degree Black Belt. Enjoy it!!!


Syren Wind Podcast

Syren Wind Utilizes High Frequency• Sound• Tone• Geometrics• Arcturian Light Code & Language, as Well as Offers Energy Sessions & Services, Creates Sound Healing/ Activating Albums & Videos, is a Self Published Author with Books on Amazon, Offers Public Speaking, A Podcast, & Shares Expansive Education on Unity Consciousness.

Self Care and Self Love with special guest Brit Flores of the Practice of Self Care. In this weeks' episode we discuss the importance of self care and self love, the simplicity of being, existing in and with presence, shifting perspectives and shifting frequencies, and the attitude of gratitude to change your Universe...To truly and fully be in service of and to others starts with servicing and loving the self; to water a garden: you must fill your cup first. A pleasure to share space and discussion on such an imperative topic at a time of such massive shifts. May this episode plant a seed, water your garden, and allow your heart to flow over into all others.

Black Belt. Enjoy it!!!

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Dive deeper into the practice of self-care in 2024

New years, as we know, are a time of refreshing and reframing mindsets. Notorious for inspiring strict diets, and stricter lifestyles while implementing ideas to tighten up the purse strings, New Year’s can be both an inspirational and self-destructive season. 

What’s filling your cup

Start now by establishing a baseline of happiness with yourself, and keep the pulse of your happiness steady. Make sure you remind yourself in your journals to fill your cup or ask yourself, “How am I filling my cup today?” It can be making sure you get on a walk, meeting with a friend, outlining a new creative project, or making a playlist with your favorite songs.

We have to accept torn, ugly bits of ourselves

Ultimately at some point in our personal development journeys, we have to accept the torn and ugly bits of ourselves as important enough to start healing.

You are not a Swiss Army knife

…human beings, however skilled, trained, gifted, empathetic and capable of great, wonderful things, are not meant to do EVERYTHING.

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